Enhanced creativity leading to enhanced healing –BSP phase 3 training in Colorado
- English (United States)
- 日本語

Brainspotting phase 3, taught by Dr. David Grand provides us rationale healing in relation to creativity. Creativity is a foundational factor in healing which is supported by a neurobiological hypothesis embraced by brainspotting and by clinical facts: an integrated brain state in which painful emotion and disturbing physical sensation is regulated through experience of unexperienced physiological orientations, emotions, and seeing actuality better. Creativity, in this way, also enhances performance of any kind, especially, performance in sports and artistic activities (such as acting, dancing, singing, playing instruments).
This was my second phase 3 training. The first one I took was 2 years ago. I was amazed how my understanding of brainspotting has grown with maintaining the basics: brainspotting is the healing modality with the highest understanding in human nature that is worthy of my life lasting commitment.