


Brainspotting training in Amsterdam



I have been in a BSP training in Amsterdam in holland. BSP is a method which is built on a neurobiological hypothesis that your experience differed according to positions of your eyes. It helps deal with trauma, somatic problems, mental problems, as well as personality problem.

Since is have got to know BSP, I have 9 official BSP trainings. I will keep having trainings and I’m certain that I will die with this. I believe that efficacy is highly depending on therapists’ skills as well as their personal maturity. Thus it is worth continue to learn to improve skills deepen understanding and be a better person as a therapist and a human being. It is like a dream. You always have to chase it and it must feel good.

The intensive is a highest training the developer, David grand can possibly provide. In the training, every aspect of BSP theory can be experienced. Trainees can receive humble but challenging feedbacks in here and now situation. That’s they never get in closed daily therapy sessions.

The intensive this time was, simply said, wonderful. As a therapist, David has a cognitive pert of therapist and lead a session. My job was to be simply present in front of my client which I could never possibly can do in my practice. By doing this, therapist can learn how powerful their presence having limited verbal interactions with their client. I have felt, after my 2 hour session, the healing just happened could not happen without my presence and actually said this in the group(David made a joke on this telling I was talking like a arrogant westerner and it was funny).

As a client, I tried my best to “trust my instinct” . Just being mindful took me deep inside of me where I found profound traumas. This awareness led my brain stem reacts in a organic way and I experienced deep sadness. I have never cried In front of people like that. Parts work I usually do with my clients was organically being taken place and that led me to resolution of my presenting 3 issues. After the session I was a different person In Some way and I felt good.

You never can possibly learn that Letting Uncertainty be the only truth as your attitude, and being humble with full mindful awareness is highly effective and necessary in healing but being in the intensive.

I will not forget forever the evening with right friends, David, Marie-Jose, and Mark, with strong coffee listening to jimmy Hendricks after fine Italian dinner.

 - Brainspotting ,