My personal history of Brainspotting
- English (United States)
- 日本語
I got to know Brainspotting. I have called it which I think the ideal of therapy “that brings eyes of ultimate mindfulness”.
Clients’ eyes see outside world, and at the same time, see everything experienced internally by them. Therapist help them to keep their eyes see experienced objects of mind whatever they are.
In spring, I met Dr. Grand, a founder of BSP over a monitor. I translated him. His words through my words introduced BSP into Japanese community for the first time.
In May, David Grand Ph.D. trained me in Wisconsin in the U.S for 3 days phase 3 and 5 days intensive.
In September, we invited David for the first formal phase 1 training in Japan.
Just after the phase 1 with David, I flew to NY to be trained to become a trainer.
I started to lead a BSP study group with knowledge and skills I developed by then.
We invited Marie-Jose and Birgit from Europe for another phase 1 training in Feb.
In June, I visited Colorado for another training, a master course.
Marie-Jose and Birgit taught phase 2 in September.
In October, I revisited NY for trainer’s training. I have learned knowledge, skills and responsibility needed for trainer.
And 2016
In Jan. in Amsterdam in Holland, I will have another intensive with David, Marie-Jose, Birgit and other trainers and therapists. 1月末にオラIn March, I am going to visit Brazil for the 1st international BSP conference.
Then, I will teach phase 1 in Japan with Japanese for the first time.
Brainspotting is helping me with my self-actualization.